Saturday, October 17, 2015

Target Observation

This Elsa doll is a product that is huge with children. ( Little girls in particularly) The doll is small so it is easy for a small child to hold an play with. It also looks just like the character in the movie which allows the doll to come to life for little children. The packaging of the box is clear so you can easily see the doll inside and has cute snowflakes on it to represent the "Frozen" aspect of the product.  It has the disney logo on it which is promoting Disney`s business. This product the media form of a character and turns it into a product that children can actually hold in their hands. 

This product is from a company that is very popular. It is a type of facial cleaning towelette. The package is yellow which sticks out and grabs attention and has the logo of the producer. The product is popular with women because of make up and was in the make up section of target. It also states on the front "removes dirt, oil, and make-up without rinsing" so the consumer can easily see what the product does. This is a good business side to the product because consumers know that they are getting out of the product before they buy it. 

These bongos are designed to appeal to people interested in music. They were found around other musical instruments. They are small so they are easily picked up and used. They are wooden and have the drum part on top which makes the sound. They packaging has an open part that shows the bongos and says what they are so incase someone didn't know they could easily see. It also has the company brand name on the packaging to promote their business. This product would more than likely be bought by musicians or people in the music industry. This can be then related to media because whoever buys them may then produce music with them and put it out for other people to hear.  

This samsung smartphone is sleek and looks very sharp. It is white which gives it a very clean look. It is also touch screen which everyone loves in a phone nowadays. It is thin and easy to either hold or fit in a pocket. The screen is made out of a thick glass so it is hard to break. It has the samsung logo on the front. Many people own smart phones and other companies like this one have to compete with apple. This product`s design is similar to the iphone and has to work to get consumers to buy their product since apple is such a large company. 

This basketball was found in the sports section of target, It is round and bouncy like all basketballs. It has the brand name on the front and also has the NCAA logo on the front. Having this logo helps business because sports fans want a quality basketball and since the NCAA is promoting it, it must be of good quality. This product is also advertising for the NCAA. The packaging has a hold where the ball fits so it can easily be seen and the packaging also has the name of the company on it so the consumer can easily tell who made the product. The rest of the packaging is white which makes the orange basketball in the middle be the focus and stand out.

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