Sunday, October 4, 2015

One way the designers can shift viewers perception with the design in a movie is color. In the Harry Potter example Umbrindge was in pink and this made her stand out. When a designer wants something to stand out or make a point to the viewer colors can be used to get that point across. Color can also be used to create contrast like in the Pride and Prejudice example. This way the viewer can easily see a good/bad relationship. Another element that can be used is the complexity of the design. In the still from the Chronicles of Narnia there was a lot going on, but there was one main focal point. Thus draws the viewers eyes to what the designer wants them to see. The same goes with size like in the Alice and Wonderland example, the changing sizes for an interesting outcome. These elements of design allow the designer to show the reader what they are wanting them to see in unique and interesting ways. These ideas are important for when creating my movie because these types of things can be used to make the overall product better.

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