Thursday, October 29, 2015

Analysis 7 and 8

The 7th movie I reviewed was Lexi Watts movie on Rupp Arena. Lexi did a fantastic job with the craft her movie i thought. The images and videos she included of Rupp really bought the stadium to life for the viewer. Although she did not point out each part of the rubric as clearly as some of the other movies I have reviewed did, I still believe she covered all parts there was to talk about. My favorite part was where she included a clip from coach Cal talking. I especially enjoyed the way she described how Rupp connects to media, that was the most clear point to me.

The 8th movie I reviewed was Spencer Anderson`s movie. This movie was overall very good and covered everything on the rubric exactly but it did not include any sound besides music. I would have enjoyed this movie more if he would have included voice overs instead of just slides with words on them. It got a little bit boring to look at after awhile because there was so many words. The images and videos he included looked very nice though and tied the whole movie together very well. 

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