Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Analysis 1 and 2

The first movie I watched was Kristen LangHorne`s movie on her North Face backpack. The movie was great and hit all parts of the rubric. I would give this person a 100. The overall design and craft of the movie was also very good. They do a great job of connecting the artifact to the culture of activity and adventure and also the culture of education. They also do an excellent job connecting the artifact to media and how the North Face brand uses media. The description of how the artifact enhances the human experience was also well thought out and well explained. Great job.

The second person I reviewed was Travis McLaughlin`s movie on the design of Keeneland. This movie was also great and hit every part of the rubric. The video footage that was added was a very nice touch and the craft of the movie was great. I would give this person a 100 also, they covered all 5 parts and presented them very well. This person also did a great job with connecting their artifact with culture. They presented their artifact very well. I liked how they did their voice overs with the videos. This was very creative. 

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