Thursday, October 29, 2015

Analysis 9 and 10

The 9th movie I reviewed was Emily Bramel`s movie on Keeneland. Overall Emily did a great job of addressing all parts of the rubric. She very clearly points out where she talks about each of the 5 big points and does a great job of connecting her artifact to each. The only part about the way she did this that I didn't like was that it was a lot of words on a page and got a little bit hard to read. By the end of it I was tired of reading words. I think she could have done a little bit better of a job with the craft of the movie but overall it was very good and covered everything it was supposed to.

The 10th and final movie I reviewed was Haven Dumond`s movie on his car. I was extremely impressed with this movie. Although this movie didn't have voice over`s either, the slides that had the words on them were very easy to read and weren't distracting. The movie covered all parts of the rubric very clearly and in great detail. The overall craft of the movie was very good. I really enjoyed the videos of the things crashing into the car, it did a good job of portraying a design feature of the vehicle. This was one of my favorite movie`s. Haven did a great job connecting his artifact to all parts of the rubric. 

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