Saturday, October 24, 2015

Informance Reflection

Making this movie was a long process that taught me a lot. The biggest challenge I had when making this movie was finding good visuals to to represent what I wanted to say about the artifact. Also putting everything together to make the movie was a challenge because I am not very good with that kind of stuff.  I knew what I wanted to say but I had a hard time deciding how I wanted to portray the artifact.  I learned a lot about how my artifact is related to the culture of beauty. I didn't realize how big of an impact this artifact had and how many women buy this artifact to aid in their beauty lifestyles. I also learned a lot about the company that made the perfume bottle, they are a huge company and I didn't really understand how big of a company they were until this project. This whole experience taught me that a lot of elements go into designing something. There are a lot of different steps in the process and problems will come up along the way. There is a lot more that goes into a designed artifact than what meets the eye.

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