Saturday, October 31, 2015

it`s FONT-mental

This font was found at the restaurant Street Craves. It is printed on what is supposed to resemble a street sign and that is how the waiter knows where to bring the food. The font looks much like the font on real street signs which is what is it designed for. The letters are large and clear which draw attention to the words and make them easy to read. I think this font was chosen for that purpose, so the waiters could easily see the words to know where to bring the food.

 This font was found on a drink cup at a restaurant called Freakin` Unbelievable Burgers. This font is very bold and is the middle of the cup which makes it stand out. I think this font was chosen to emphasize the "freakin`" part of the name. The font being so bold makes one wonder what is so FREAKIN` unbelievable about the burgers which is what i think it is designed for so it attracts customers and makes them want to try their food.
 This font was found on a coffee mug that I use everyday. It is more of a girly font which obviously attracts girls like me who are suckers for cute things like this. It looks elegant and cozy to me which is what I think the designer wanted it to look like. You want to be comfortable and feel good in the mornings when you are drinking your coffee and this font makes me feel that way.
 This font was found on my parking ticket I got the other day. It is large and bold because the design of this was meant to let you know.... you messed up. The font being white in color on a blue background makes it standout even more. The whole purpose of this font is for it to draw attention and make sure it is not ignored. I think the designer wanted this to be simple but yet attention drawing so it would easily get the point across that you are not supposed to park there.
This font was found on a prescription bottle form meijer. The meijer logo font is very large which is immediately noticed. I think this was designed this way so that the focus would be on the brand meijer to attract business. It`s also in red which is a major attention grabber. The lowercase letters make it simple in a way too which I like. I think the designer of this wanted the font to be bold and attention grabbing but also simple letting people know that they provide for everyone. 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Analysis 9 and 10

The 9th movie I reviewed was Emily Bramel`s movie on Keeneland. Overall Emily did a great job of addressing all parts of the rubric. She very clearly points out where she talks about each of the 5 big points and does a great job of connecting her artifact to each. The only part about the way she did this that I didn't like was that it was a lot of words on a page and got a little bit hard to read. By the end of it I was tired of reading words. I think she could have done a little bit better of a job with the craft of the movie but overall it was very good and covered everything it was supposed to.

The 10th and final movie I reviewed was Haven Dumond`s movie on his car. I was extremely impressed with this movie. Although this movie didn't have voice over`s either, the slides that had the words on them were very easy to read and weren't distracting. The movie covered all parts of the rubric very clearly and in great detail. The overall craft of the movie was very good. I really enjoyed the videos of the things crashing into the car, it did a good job of portraying a design feature of the vehicle. This was one of my favorite movie`s. Haven did a great job connecting his artifact to all parts of the rubric. 

Analysis 7 and 8

The 7th movie I reviewed was Lexi Watts movie on Rupp Arena. Lexi did a fantastic job with the craft her movie i thought. The images and videos she included of Rupp really bought the stadium to life for the viewer. Although she did not point out each part of the rubric as clearly as some of the other movies I have reviewed did, I still believe she covered all parts there was to talk about. My favorite part was where she included a clip from coach Cal talking. I especially enjoyed the way she described how Rupp connects to media, that was the most clear point to me.

The 8th movie I reviewed was Spencer Anderson`s movie. This movie was overall very good and covered everything on the rubric exactly but it did not include any sound besides music. I would have enjoyed this movie more if he would have included voice overs instead of just slides with words on them. It got a little bit boring to look at after awhile because there was so many words. The images and videos he included looked very nice though and tied the whole movie together very well. 

Analysis 5 and 6

Holly did an absolutely fantastic job. This was by far my favorite movie to watch so far. I loved every single part of it. Not only did she cover everything on the rubric but the craft of the movie was amazing. She discussed and connected all 5 parts of the rubric very well throughout her movie. I really enjoyed the flow of the movie and how the voice overs were constant as the images were playing. The videos she included looked great and really brought the movie to life. I am very impressed with this movie. I think that it deserves a 100.

The second movie I watched was Hope Stewarts. I think she did fairly well. She seems to have covered all parts of the rubric and did a good job of connecting her artifact or place in this case to social and cultural practices and also business and media. I also enjoyed the video footage she had at the begging of her movie. The pictures she included were good but I would have liked to see more video footage because the really tied the whole movie together. The big logo in the middle of the screen was distracting though and took away from the craft of the movie a little bit. 

Analysis 3 and 4

Anthony did great job with the craft of his movie. I was very impressed with how he put everything together. He also did all of the parts of the rubric. He described in great detail every part and design feature of the ps4. He also even gave some background information. He does a great job of connecting his artifact to social practices when he talks about how one can connect with friends and keep up with what they are doing with this artifact. Overall a very good job, all parts of the rubric were met.

Maggie does an excellent job portraying her fossil watch. I especially loved the music that went with this movie. The craft of the movie was very nice and looked like it took a lot of time and effort. She does a great job of explaining the design process and included many neat visuals. She also does a greta job of showing how the artifact connects with all the other parts of the rubric. I especially enjoyed how she tied in the media. Very good job overall. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Analysis 1 and 2

The first movie I watched was Kristen LangHorne`s movie on her North Face backpack. The movie was great and hit all parts of the rubric. I would give this person a 100. The overall design and craft of the movie was also very good. They do a great job of connecting the artifact to the culture of activity and adventure and also the culture of education. They also do an excellent job connecting the artifact to media and how the North Face brand uses media. The description of how the artifact enhances the human experience was also well thought out and well explained. Great job.

The second person I reviewed was Travis McLaughlin`s movie on the design of Keeneland. This movie was also great and hit every part of the rubric. The video footage that was added was a very nice touch and the craft of the movie was great. I would give this person a 100 also, they covered all 5 parts and presented them very well. This person also did a great job with connecting their artifact with culture. They presented their artifact very well. I liked how they did their voice overs with the videos. This was very creative. 

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Informance Reflection

Making this movie was a long process that taught me a lot. The biggest challenge I had when making this movie was finding good visuals to to represent what I wanted to say about the artifact. Also putting everything together to make the movie was a challenge because I am not very good with that kind of stuff.  I knew what I wanted to say but I had a hard time deciding how I wanted to portray the artifact.  I learned a lot about how my artifact is related to the culture of beauty. I didn't realize how big of an impact this artifact had and how many women buy this artifact to aid in their beauty lifestyles. I also learned a lot about the company that made the perfume bottle, they are a huge company and I didn't really understand how big of a company they were until this project. This whole experience taught me that a lot of elements go into designing something. There are a lot of different steps in the process and problems will come up along the way. There is a lot more that goes into a designed artifact than what meets the eye.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Target Observation

This Elsa doll is a product that is huge with children. ( Little girls in particularly) The doll is small so it is easy for a small child to hold an play with. It also looks just like the character in the movie which allows the doll to come to life for little children. The packaging of the box is clear so you can easily see the doll inside and has cute snowflakes on it to represent the "Frozen" aspect of the product.  It has the disney logo on it which is promoting Disney`s business. This product the media form of a character and turns it into a product that children can actually hold in their hands. 

This product is from a company that is very popular. It is a type of facial cleaning towelette. The package is yellow which sticks out and grabs attention and has the logo of the producer. The product is popular with women because of make up and was in the make up section of target. It also states on the front "removes dirt, oil, and make-up without rinsing" so the consumer can easily see what the product does. This is a good business side to the product because consumers know that they are getting out of the product before they buy it. 

These bongos are designed to appeal to people interested in music. They were found around other musical instruments. They are small so they are easily picked up and used. They are wooden and have the drum part on top which makes the sound. They packaging has an open part that shows the bongos and says what they are so incase someone didn't know they could easily see. It also has the company brand name on the packaging to promote their business. This product would more than likely be bought by musicians or people in the music industry. This can be then related to media because whoever buys them may then produce music with them and put it out for other people to hear.  

This samsung smartphone is sleek and looks very sharp. It is white which gives it a very clean look. It is also touch screen which everyone loves in a phone nowadays. It is thin and easy to either hold or fit in a pocket. The screen is made out of a thick glass so it is hard to break. It has the samsung logo on the front. Many people own smart phones and other companies like this one have to compete with apple. This product`s design is similar to the iphone and has to work to get consumers to buy their product since apple is such a large company. 

This basketball was found in the sports section of target, It is round and bouncy like all basketballs. It has the brand name on the front and also has the NCAA logo on the front. Having this logo helps business because sports fans want a quality basketball and since the NCAA is promoting it, it must be of good quality. This product is also advertising for the NCAA. The packaging has a hold where the ball fits so it can easily be seen and the packaging also has the name of the company on it so the consumer can easily tell who made the product. The rest of the packaging is white which makes the orange basketball in the middle be the focus and stand out.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Media Impact

My artifact, a perfume bottle is seen and related to media quite a bit. First there are many advertisements for this product that can be seen around stores. Juicy Couture wants to get there product out there so they put out a lot of advertisements for there product. The perfume brand also has a website that can people can visit and see their products. Other forms like billboards, posters, and even tweets and instagram posts are other ways this artifact is related to media. Another form of media that this artifact is impacted by is phone and social connections. Many people rave about this product on their youtube channels or blogs and even text and communicate about it with their friends who also enjoy this product.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Movie Discussion Summary

I learned a lot from this discussion and got a lot of helpful feedback. Looking at everyone`s questions helped answer a lot of my own questions too. The question "What is the best way to show how an artifact is important to business?' gave me the idea to research the business and some of it`s demographics. The question about how to make an artifact (Raybans) social gave me the idea about how culture can play a part into it and show an image of people enjoying the artifact. The question about whether we should use pictures or videos was helpful because I did not know that we were able to incorporate both. The question about learning outcome 1 clarified for me that we need to talk about the design process. Also the questions about using powerpoint were helpful because I was considering using it but now know it would not be the easiest way.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Creative approaches

I thought that today`s activity was very fun and useful. It helped me brainstorm ideas that I could use for my movie. I think that my favorite approach was the jingle because it was a lot of fun to try to make up. I think that incorporating fun and creative things like that will make the movie more interesting and more well designed. I also liked the tweet approach because that was a little weird to do at first but ended up being useful because it created a new way to describe something. Especially since our generation is all about twitter, It would be cool to talk about the design of the artifact in a different way like a tweet that would be more interesting to the audience.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Story Board Final

By reviewing other storyboards I learned a lot about how other people included the ideas of design in their pictures of their artifacts. I learned that I could have probably made mine a little more visual. Some of the ones I reviewed had a lot of great images that really captured my interest and described what they wanted to say well. Reviewing others storyboards also gave me ideas about my movie. I took away from this that in my movie I need to make sure that my images adequately reflect what I am saying about my artifact and that they are creative and interesting so that the movies looks good when it is finished. It got me thinking in the direction I want to go for my movie. I enjoyed seeing what everyone else had on their storyboard and how the brought the ideas of the design of their artifact to life by all of the interesting images.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

One way the designers can shift viewers perception with the design in a movie is color. In the Harry Potter example Umbrindge was in pink and this made her stand out. When a designer wants something to stand out or make a point to the viewer colors can be used to get that point across. Color can also be used to create contrast like in the Pride and Prejudice example. This way the viewer can easily see a good/bad relationship. Another element that can be used is the complexity of the design. In the still from the Chronicles of Narnia there was a lot going on, but there was one main focal point. Thus draws the viewers eyes to what the designer wants them to see. The same goes with size like in the Alice and Wonderland example, the changing sizes for an interesting outcome. These elements of design allow the designer to show the reader what they are wanting them to see in unique and interesting ways. These ideas are important for when creating my movie because these types of things can be used to make the overall product better.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Story Board Check In

From the in class group I learned that there are many different ways an artifact can be interpreted. Many of my group members had really good ideas about what they wanted to say about their artifact that I would have never thought of. This made me think deeper about my artifact and things that i could talk about with its design. I liked how each of my group members took what we had to say about our artifact in a different way to make it interesting. This experience will help me on my story board because I have even more ideas about what I could talk about and show.