Saturday, September 12, 2015


In an ideal office setting design is important for each of the different types of spaces that are present. The four work modes of an office setting: focus, collaborate, learn, and socialize all have different key design aspects. In a focus setting an individual needs a desk to do their work and accomplish tasks. There are also usually filing cabinets and other personal items in this setting. This type of setting is a personal work are for an individual to get things done. In a collaboration space there is usually a table with chairs for everyone to sit around and discuss. There also is usually a type of technology like a whiteboard or projector so a group can share ideas and work together. A learning setting is where individuals can sharpen and learn new skills. This work space often includes desks or tables for individuals to sit at and some type of technology like a projector. A socialize setting is where individuals go to get away from the work setting to relax and talk with coworkers casually. This is usually a kitchen or an area where multiple people can come together to take a break.  

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