Friday, September 25, 2015


My hometown Richmond, Ky is a city in the county seat of Madison County. In the city of Richmond there exists a very similar city square area like discussed in the reading and lecture. In the downtown are there is a business district that includes many victorian style structures. There is a court house in the very center of the downtown area that is the main focus of the city square. All around the courthouse area there are multiple local businesses that people can visit. The design of the city square was meant for the courthouse to be in the middle and a number of businesses surrounding this local point which is exactly how it turned out and can be seen when visiting downtown Richmond.

Artifact Selection

My artifact is the Juicy Couture perfume bottle.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Post Card Final

The design of my post card began with finding the image I wanted to use to represent my quote. My quote was "Design Is Everything" and I thought that the image of the DNA molecule represented this well because DNA is the building block of all life forms and without DNA there would be no life. This can be compared to how without out design the world would be nothing so I thought that this image showed that idea well. I also like how the image was dark leaving a very bold impression. I printed out the image and glued it to card stock. I then created the back of the postcard to look how normal post cards look and glued that to the other side of the 4x6 in card stock. I decided to put the citation for the image on the back because you couldn't see it on the front with the image being mostly black.

Saturday, September 19, 2015


The airport, skyscrapers, and house talked about in the lecture all have design aspects that represent the ideas of American culture and how American society was forming. The airport  designed represented the idea of mobility, always wanting to be on the go and always wanting to explore new places. The most important design feature that represents this idea in the airports is how most airports have windows everywhere so you can see the planes coming and going. Skyscrapers, which are mostly corporation buildings were getting taller and taller as years went on and I think this race for the tallest skyscraper shows the idea to "be better" as well because there was constantly a race to try to make them taller and better. The houses like the bungalow which had very spacious porches represent the friendly aspect of American`s and the overhang garages that show off the cars of the Ranch style houses express the mobility of American society.


After watching the lecture and reading Clark`s readings I've decided my house would be much like the ranch style houses. To me those type of houses represent American culture best mainly because of the way they are designed to fit into the characteristics of American life. The design feature of the overhang garage showing off the car is a great example of this because American culture is very mobile and showing off the car is a great way to represent that. Although they are very over the top and unrealistic for most Americans I also like the Mansion type house. Those type of houses show the aspect of how Americans like to everything better and show off what they have. As American`s I feel like there is this sense that we do everything better than everyone else and I think that it can be seen in those types of houses that are designed to be over the top and unnecessary.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Media Depot

Today I went to the Media Depot in the library and learned about all of the services that they have to offer. They have multiple computers where you can work with different softwares to create movie presentations and other types of projects. They also have an audio recording room along with a recording room that has a board where you can record yourself giving presentations. There is also a green screen room available which would be a very cool things to use for projects. At the media depot there are also people who are skilled and knowledgeable in the softwares and programs that can aid you in projects if you need help. The Media Depot will be a very useful resource when needing to complete projects for this class and many others throughout college.

Saturday, September 12, 2015


In an ideal office setting design is important for each of the different types of spaces that are present. The four work modes of an office setting: focus, collaborate, learn, and socialize all have different key design aspects. In a focus setting an individual needs a desk to do their work and accomplish tasks. There are also usually filing cabinets and other personal items in this setting. This type of setting is a personal work are for an individual to get things done. In a collaboration space there is usually a table with chairs for everyone to sit around and discuss. There also is usually a type of technology like a whiteboard or projector so a group can share ideas and work together. A learning setting is where individuals can sharpen and learn new skills. This work space often includes desks or tables for individuals to sit at and some type of technology like a projector. A socialize setting is where individuals go to get away from the work setting to relax and talk with coworkers casually. This is usually a kitchen or an area where multiple people can come together to take a break.  

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Prown Worksheet

My artifact is a perfume bottle from the brand Juicy Couture. The bottle is a 2 inch by 2 inch square bottle that is made of an opaque glass that is very thick. The lid to the bottle is also made out of the same glass and is about an inch in diameter. Around the lid is a pink ribbon tied in a bow. Attached to the bow is a gold sign that is very small and says "Couture." On the front of the perfume bottle there is a detailed design in gold. A crown as the center of the gold design and there is a J on one side of the crown and a C on the other side of the crown. Around the crown and the  JC are dots formed in the shape of circles.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Postcard 1

" Design Is Everything"

Monday, September 7, 2015

3 aspects of American Character

Athletic: An object representing the athletic aspect of American Character would be a football stadium or in this case Commonwealth Stadium because it reperesnts American`s excitement over sports like football. For years and years American`s have fed off of the excitement of each other at athletic events, even though most American`s are unable to play a sport at the professional or college level they share interest in the athletic abilities of others and enjoy watching athletic events in large arenas or stadiums like this one.
 Comfort Seeking: An object representing the comfort seeking aspect of American Character is leggings because every American wants to feel comfortable and free when they are out and about and leggings do just that. Leggings have become a huge phenomenon with women today because of their soft material, flexibly they have when moving, and their ability to make one feel as if they aren't actually wearing pants. 

Mobility: An object that represents the American Characteristic of mobility are Heelys because they make getting place to place easy and efficient and with American lifestyle we are always looking for an easier and more efficient way to do things. Heelys can either be used as regular shoes or used and a type of skate almost, which makes things easy when you are walking somewhere and in a hurry because you can "ride" there so to speak instead of having to use the energy to walk the whole way. 

Friday, September 4, 2015

Artifact From Class

My artifact is a Kentucky Bracelet I was given as a graduation gift. It is in the shape of the state of Kentucky and has the word "Kentucky" written on it representing that Kentucky is my home and where I go to school. The desgin element here is appealing to big UK fans like myself. It looks as though it is made of copper and has a somewhat rustic look to it. It also has a clasp so it is easy to get off and on. The design of this bracelet is convenient because you don't have to worry about it falling off. The bracelet is slim so it fits around your wrist nice and tightly. It adds to the idea of memory because when I wear it, it makes me think of my friend back home who got it for me. It`s also very fashionable and easy to wear because it goes with a lot of outfits. It is a piece of jewelry so it is made mostly for girls to wear. Although men can wear it, it is desgined specifically for women. This Artifact expresses design in many ways including it`s fashion appeal, it`s convenience to wear and it`s ability to represent an individual for this case it being my home.