Saturday, November 14, 2015

Designer Profile 5-6

The 5th designer was Adriane Grumbein. She majored in communications and now teaches in the integrated communications section specifically marketing and creativity classes. Her design story began when she was in high school and she designed the schools web page. Once she decided design was her thing she entered college as an art major but then switched it to a communications major. She did so because her view of design was more of a problem solving approach. She enjoys helping students take raw ideas into finished products. She believes that design is everywhere which will lead to design be more connected with business to communicate their ideas.

The 6th designer was Joe Ray Barreau. He is an architect, lighting designer, and a teacher at UK. He has a lot of experience in design and loves to share his knowledge with his students. His love for design started when he designed a tree house in Cuba with his father. He has come to the realization that the things we don't normally focus on mean a lot in design. For that reason he works mainly in lighting. He believes that the newest technological development in lighting has created a revolution and that LED light has changed the way lighting is done forever. It is being incorporated everywhere and has opened up a whole new world for lighting.

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