Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Designer Profile 2,3 and 4

The second designer we heard from was Adam Langston. Adam became interested in design at a very  young age. He knew by the time that he was in middle school that he wanted to be an architect. He took some drafting classes in high school and eventually went on to enter the architect program at UK his second year of college. He went and studied abroad in Paris and Rome may and june of 2014. During this time he began to learn that there are all kinds of design ideas that aren't knew but can be implemented in new ways. As for the future for design he thinks that technology is taking over which is making collaboration a lot easier. He also believes there will be a lot more 3D printed and digitally fabricated things.

The third designer we heard from was Julie Sniadowski. Julie`s designer story starts with an art background. She took painting classes at an early age and was accepted into the Governor`s School of the Arts in high school. She received her bachelors degree from UK. During her second year she got more into digital fabrication and drawing on the computer. She also studied abroad in Paris and Rome like Adam. She draws a lot of inspiration around her. She believes that there is nothing original, just evolution or improvement. For the future of design she thinks that there will be an expansion in technology an expansion in what problems are tackled.

The fourth designer we heard from was Heather Hemmer. She originally was not interested in design and would have never predicted this is where she would end up. Her junior year of high school she took and art class and became interested. She continued to take similar classes during her freshman year of college and learned how to use the computer programs during her second year. She also thinks that design is all evolution and that you have to let it talk to you. Designing something is what makes you, you. She also likes to make use of someone else`s trash. For the future of design related to her, she wants to actually go out and see designed things in person. She is going to Thailand in the winter and eventually wants to move to San Francisco.

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